Jaroslav Tupý Endowment Fund supports research and development related to plant biology by granting financial contributions to students and (especially young) scientists of IEB AV ČR, or foreign scientists working at least partially at the IEB AV ČR. Fund supports international cooperation, acquiring and maintaining contacts, exchange of knowledge and finding common solutions to social and environmental problems.
Applicants for endowment contribution (grant) may implement their projects at the IEB AV ČR, in commercial sphere, public administration or non-profit sector (e.g. research institutes) in the Czech Republic or abroad.

Endowment grants are granted to the following range of applicants:


  • Czech or foreign students of master or Ph.D. study programs working on research in the field of plant biology or related science fields in cooperation with IEB,
  • Czech or foreign (especially young) scientists working at IEB.

Endowment grants shall usually be contributed in a form of cash. These grants are provided on the basis of a decision of Managing board after assessing the subjective circumstances of every project, that means after evaluation of the following criteria:

  • originality and a new approach/novelty;
  • benefits for the field of study;
  • social usefulness;
  • international significance of the research;
  • an output of a specific research and its presentation;
  • the possibility of popularisation and building of reputation of the IEB.

Evaluation of these criteria takes place during presentation of the project to the Managing Board and the subsequent discussion. Due to internationality of the project and presence of foreign member in the Managing Board, it is expected that all presentations will be in English.
Amount of endowment contribution is determined on the basis of Managing Board´s decision after consideration of all circumstances of submitted application. In case of decision to grant an endowment contribution, the Endowment Fund and applicant conclude a grant agreement, in which an amount of contributed grant must be stated as well as terms and conditions under which the Endowment grant shall be used. The grant may be drawn in a one-off or gradual payment for a maximum period of 3 years.
After the end of the application of Fund contribution, the beneficiaries present results of their work or experience (for example from international cooperation, or their cooperation with commercial sector) and the effective use of the contribution of NFJT to the Managing Board.

For further information read Foundation Charter of NFJT and Statute of the Fund.

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