Jaroslav Tupy Endowment Fund

We support research and development activities of promising scientists and allow them realize their ideas, establish cooperation in the Czech Republic or abroad, and support them in finding solutions to (not only) environmental problems.


On 26.06.2024 the meeting of the supervisory board of Jaroslav Tupý Endowment Fund was held. The board discussed and approved the fund´s financial statement, the annual report and management in 2023. Futhermore, the board acknowledged the changes in the managing board in 2023. Finally, the board approved the NFJT´s activity plan for 2024. Present members: Petr Nový, Jan Martinec, Jan Kolář, Andrea Hourová. Guest from managing board: Martin Vágner.

On 20.03.2024 the meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT), during which board members discussed and evaluated 11 projects submitted in the 2nd call for projects proposals, was held. The board decided that 2 projects best meeting the criteria will be supported. The winning projects are:


  • Kateřina Perničková, Ph.D: "Growth regulators and their role in the plant–pathogen interaction"
  • Mgr. Kateřina Cermanová: „Quantification of the Yang cycle intermediates and related compounds by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry in plants and the effect of inhibition, mutations and stress on their endogenous levels“

Congratulations! We are honored to help these young scientists in the realization of their projects.


Present board members: Viktor Žárský, Věra Forejtová, Martin Vágner, Frank Maas

2nd call for project proposals announced!

Do you have an idea for an interesting plant-related research project that you would like to make a reality? Do you wish to go abroad for an international conference or internship? Broaden and deepen your skills and knowledge, gain invaluable experience (not only) in scientific research, obtain new contacts, and exercise your academic English?


We will help you kickstart you scientific career. Submit your project by 29 February 2024 in the 2nd call for project proposals and obtain a grant contribution of up to 160,000 CZK!


Call for projects NFJT - poster

On 15.06.2023 the meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT) was held. Current members decided to reconstruct the managing board as follows: chairman of the board – Viktor Žárský, members – Věra Forejtová, Frank Maas and Martin Vágner. The board shortly discussed two finished projects supported so far and decided to announce the second call for projects. Present board members: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas, Viktor Žárský, Věra Forejtová.

Markéta Fuksová: Having fun with gibberellins

Video of the seminar

Antonio Pavičić: Biological activities of European ferns

Video of the seminar

Do you need to co-finance your scientific project? Do you wish to go abroad for internship? Or do you just have an idea for a project that you would like to implement in practice? Anything is possible. Just apply for NFJT contribution to your student/scientific project related to plant biology from 1.12.2021 to 28.2.2022. You can get a contribution up to 100,000 CZK! For more information click on the link http://nfjt.ueb.cas.cz/?page_id=10081&lang=en From 01.12.2019 to 31.01.2020 it was possible to apply for endowment fund´s contributions (grant) for student or scientific research projects related to plant biology, based on the very first call of NFJT.

On 09.11.2021 the meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT) was held. The board discussed the progress of supported projects, the form of the final project´s report and agreed on final presentations of the supported project in Prague in autumn 2022. The board also decided on launch and time schedule of the 2nd call for NFJT grant´s applications for student´s and scientific projects, revised and updated the application form and discussed promotion of the 2nd call. The following board members were present: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas and Veronika Janečková.

On 19.07.2021 the meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT) was held. The board discussed the progress of currently supported projects and also a possible 2st call for NFJT grant´s applications considering financial capacity of the fund and also potential risk of another wave of covid-19 in autumn and winter months. The board decided to prepare all documents for the 2nd call and make a final decision about the call according to current situation at the next meeting. The board also preliminary agreed to meet personally on the occasion of the final presentations of 2 currently supported project in autumn 2022. Present board members: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas and Veronika Janečková.

On 25.06.2021 the meeting of the supervisory board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý was held. The board discussed and approved the fund´s financial statements for 2020, the annual report 2020 and NFJT´s management in 2020. In addition, the board approved the NFJT´s activity plan for 2021. Present members: Petr Nový, Jan Martinec, Jan Kolář, Andrea Hourová. Guest from managing board: Veronika Janečková.

Another meeting of managing board of Endowment Fund of Jaroslav Tupý (NFJT) was held on 23.11.2020. The board discussed the impact of current covid-19 pandemic on ongoing supported projects. Due to restrictions related to the pandemic, the board decided to delay 2nd call for projects. Members of board also discussed the success of the fund´s promotion in 2020 and plans for the future. Board members who were present at the meeting: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas and Veronika Janečková.

On 09.11.2021 the meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT) was held. The board discussed the progress of supported projects, the form of the final project´s report and agreed on final presentations of the supported project in Prague in autumn 2022. The board also decided on launch and time schedule of the 2nd call for NFJT grant´s applications for student´s and scientific projects, revised and updated the application form and discussed promotion of the 2nd call. The following board members were present: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas and Veronika Janečková.

On 19.07.2021 the meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT) was held. The board discussed the progress of currently supported projects and also a possible 2st call for NFJT grant´s applications considering financial capacity of the fund and also potential risk of another wave of covid-19 in autumn and winter months. The board decided to prepare all documents for the 2nd call and make a final decision about the call according to current situation at the next meeting. The board also preliminary agreed to meet personally on the occasion of the final presentations of 2 currently supported project in autumn 2022. Present board members: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas and Veronika Janečková.

On 10.02.2020 the meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT), during which board members discussed and evaluated submitted projects, was held. The board decided that 2 projects will be supported by NFJT´s contribution 2020. The winning projects are:

  • Antonio Pavičić, mag. ing. agr.: "Evaluation of anti-inflammatory and anticancer activity in selected fern species"
  • Bc. Markéta Fuksová: „Development of novel gibberellin derivatives to control sex identity and fruit development in tomato stamenless mutant“

Total NFJT´s contribution for projects in 2020 will be 142 485 CZK. Present board members: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas and Veronika Janečková (Jan Krekule absent)

On 9.10.2019 the meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT) was held. The board discussed the 1st call for NFJT grant´s applications, promotion opportunities, fundraising and the fund-granting process in 2020. All board members were present: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas, Jan Krekule and Veronika Janečková.

On 25.06.2019 the meeting of the supervisory board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý was held. The board discussed the fund´s management in 2018, discussed and approved the NFJT´s financial statement and annual report for year 2018. In addition, they discussed and approved NFJT´s activity plan. Present members: Petr Nový, Jan Kolář, Andrea Hourová (Jan Martinec apologized for not coming). Guest from managing board: Veronika Janečková.

On 26.2.2019, the first meeting of the managing board of Endowment Fund of J. Tupý (NFJT) was held. The board unanimously approved the registration of the Fund on web portal darujme.cz, which helps non-profit organizations to launch a campaign and which makes it easier for donators to donate. The board also unanimously voted for changes in NFJT Statute to simplify grant application process – it is not necessary for applicants to present their projects in front of the managing board when applying. Filling an application form and submitting required documents is now sufficient. Board members who were present at the meeting: Martin Vágner, Frank Maas, Veronika Janečková. Not present: Jan Krekule (health issues).