Applicants of supported projects receive a grant on the basis of a written grant contribution agreement between NFJT and the applicant. The applicant will be informed about the agreement by e-mail, or optionally (if required) in a letter which will be sent to the address specified in the application.

If the applicant will not respond to the offer to sign an Agreement within 20 days and will not request an extension or remission of this period for serious reasons, they shall not have a right to receive the grant.

The applicant may draw the grant contribution in a one-off or gradual payment for a maximum period of 3 years. NFJT reserves the right that an applicant has no legal entitlement for the grant contribution, even if all prescribed conditions are fulfilled.

If applicant provide false or incomplete information, or will not meet conditions stipulated in the fund contribution agreement, they are obliged to return the entire provided grant in accordance with the decision of the managing board.

Applicants may not commit any crime before the decision by managing board of granting a fund’s contribution and/or during the receiving of the grant

Applicants must carry out their supported project either at the IEB, in the non-profit sector, in the public administration, in the commercial field, or they might be sent to carry out their research or development activities at some other research-development institution.

After termination of drawing fund’s grant, the grant recipient will present their project’s results or experience from international (or any other) cooperation to the managing board in order to proove an effective use of the grant. Due to the international concept of the fund and the presence of a foreign member on the managing board, it is expected that all final presentations will be in English.